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Mechanics of Fluids MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Mechanics of Fluids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Mechanics of Fluids MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE A Level Physics Tests. Learn Mechanics and Properties of Matter Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Mechanics of Fluids quiz answers PDF to study distance learning courses. The Mechanics of Fluids MCQ App Download: Free learning app for rigid body rotation, dynamics, elasticity test prep for best online colleges for teaching degree.

The MCQ: Density of air is; "Mechanics of Fluids" App Download (Free) with answers: 1⁄8 of water; 1⁄7 of water; 1⁄45 of water; 1⁄800 of water; to study distance learning courses. Practice Mechanics of Fluids Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college courses.

Mechanics of Fluids MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Bernoulli's principle states that, for streamline motion of an incompressible non-viscous fluid:

  1. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume = constant
  2. the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
  3. the pressure at any part + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
  4. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
MCQ 2:

Density of air is

  1. 1⁄8 of water
  2. 1⁄7 of water
  3. 1⁄45 of water
  4. 1⁄800 of water
MCQ 3:

1 torr is equal to

  1. 1 N⁄m²
  2. 1 mm Hg
  3. 1 bar
  4. All of the above
MCQ 4:

"Upthrust = Weight of the liquid displaced" is known as

  1. Bernoulli's Principle
  2. Archimedes' Principle
  3. Pascal's Law
  4. Coulomb's law
MCQ 5:

Bernoulli's principle shows that, at points in a moving fluid where the potential energy change is very small

  1. the pressure is low where the velocity is low and similarly, the pressure is high where the velocity is high
  2. the pressure is low where the velocity is high and conversely, the pressure is high where the velocity is low
  3. pressure becomes independent of the velocity of the moving fluid
  4. pressure remain independent of the speed of the stationary fluid

IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests

Mechanics of Fluids Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Mechanics of Fluids App (Android & iOS)

Mechanics of Fluids App (Android & iOS)

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