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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests

IGCSE A Level Physics Online Tests

Elasticity MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Elasticity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Elasticity MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE A Level Physics Tests. Study Mechanics and Properties of Matter Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Elasticity quiz answers PDF to study distance learning courses. The Elasticity MCQ App Download: Free learning app for rigid body rotation, dynamics, elasticity test prep for best online colleges for teaching degree.

The MCQ: Hooke's law states that; "Elasticity" App Download (Free) with answers: The extension is proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded; The extension is inversely proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded; The extension is independent of the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded; Load is dependent on extension; to study distance learning courses. Practice Elasticity Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online college courses.

Elasticity MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Tensile strain is equal to

  1. Force per unit area
  2. Force per unit volume
  3. Extension per unit length
  4. Force per unit length
MCQ 2:

Hooke's law states that

  1. the extension is proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
  2. the extension is inversely proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
  3. the extension is independent of the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
  4. load is dependent on extension
MCQ 3:

Dimensions of strain are

  1. [L]
  2. [M] [L]-1 [T]-2
  3. [L]-1
  4. It's a dimensionless quantity
MCQ 4:

At ‘yield point’ of a copper wire

  1. the load hasn't exceeded the elastic limit yet; so, Hooke's law applies
  2. the load has already exceeded the elastic limit and the material has become plastic
  3. even the plastic stage has passed and the wire has snapped already
  4. Like Brass and Bronze, Copper has no yield point
MCQ 5:

Substances that elongate considerably and undergo plastic deformation before they break are known as

  1. brittle substances
  2. breakable substances
  3. ductile substances
  4. elastic substances

IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests

Elasticity Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Elasticity App (Android & iOS)

Elasticity App (Android & iOS)

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