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Textile Technology Practice Tests

Textile Technology Online Tests

Singeing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Singeing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Singeing MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Textile Technology Tests. Learn Raw Stock Opening and Cleaning Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Singeing quiz answers PDF for bachelor degree online. The Singeing MCQ App Download: Free learning app for combing, spinning, carding test prep for online bachelor's degree.

The MCQ: Yarn runs through flame at a rate of; "Singeing" App Download (Free) with answers: 400 to 1000 m/min; 500 to 1000 m/min; 500 to 1000 m/min; 1500 to 2500 m/min; for bachelor degree online. Practice Singeing Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online graduate programs.

Singeing MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Singeing machine consists of

  1. package to package winder
  2. gas burner
  3. both a and b
  4. singeing burner
MCQ 2:

Yarn runs through flame at a rate of

  1. 400 to 1000 m/min
  2. 500 to 1000 m/min
  3. 500 to 1000 m/min
  4. 1500 to 2500 m/min
MCQ 3:

Change in weight of yarn causes change in

  1. yarn count
  2. yarn thickness
  3. yarn strength
  4. yarn hairiness
MCQ 4:

Singeing is used to eliminate

  1. smoothness
  2. hairiness
  3. rigidity
  4. tightness
MCQ 5:

In singeing, yarn is passed through flame which

  1. smoothness
  2. hairiness
  3. strength
  4. tightness

Textile Technology Practice Tests

Singeing Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Singeing MCQs App to learn Singeing Textbook, Textile Technology MCQ App, and C++ MCQ App. The "Singeing" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Singeing App (Android & iOS)

Singeing App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (iOS & Android)

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