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Textile Technology Certification Exam Tests

Textile Technology Practice Test 43

Winding Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 43

The Winding Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Winding Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-43 to solve Textile Technology Practice Tests. Learn Raw Stock Opening and Cleaning MCQ Questions PDF, Winding Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online graduate programs. The Winding Trivia App Download: Free learning app for card operation, carding, friction spinning machine, spinning, winding test prep for best online schools.

The Quiz: Winding is created with large yarns and it can be; "Winding" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Unwound; Wound; Twisted; for best online schools. Study Raw Stock Opening and Cleaning Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

Winding Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 43

MCQ 211:

Winding is created with large yarns and it can be

  1. wound
  2. unwound
  3. twisted
  4. all of above
MCQ 212:

In modern roving frames, central machine control system provides better

  1. functioning
  2. reduce energy consumption
  3. less noise
  4. all of above
MCQ 213:

As compared to traditional spinning machines, friction spinning machine is better because is use

  1. heterogeneous material
  2. regenerated material
  3. both a and b
  4. waste material
MCQ 214:

The only 'mobile' machine used in spinning is

  1. Tuft Plucker
  2. Blender
  3. Bale Plucker
  4. Drawn Sliver
MCQ 215:

Some released impurities are knocked off under the card with

  1. ventilation
  2. centrifugal force
  3. centripetal force
  4. ventilation and centrifugal force

Textile Technology Exam Prep Tests

Winding Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Winding App (Android & iOS)

Winding App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (iOS & Android)

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