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Microbiology App's Tests

Microbiology e-Book's MCQs - Complete

Minor Viral Pathogens MCQ App Download & e-Book - 327


The paramyxovirus is a causative agent for severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia in young children named as

  1. Lassa virus
  2. Hantavirus
  3. Human Metapmeumovirus
  4. Marburg virus

More MCQs from Microbiology Textbook

Minor Viral Pathogens Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Minor Viral Pathogens MCQ App to learn Minor Viral Pathogens Textbook, Microbiology MCQ App, and Biochemistry MCQ App. The "Minor Viral Pathogens" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Minor Viral Pathogens App (Android & iOS)

Minor Viral Pathogens App (Android & iOS)

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