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Agricultural Revolution MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 86

The e-Book Agricultural Revolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), agricultural revolution MCQs Quiz PDF download, chapter 21-86 to learn free sociology online courses. Study Work and Economy quiz answers PDF, Agricultural Revolution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Agricultural Revolution MCQs App Download: Free educational app for mental health, systems of stratification, theoretical perspectives on culture, types of formal organizations, agricultural revolution test prep for online undergraduate degree.

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Agricultural Revolution Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 86

MCQ 426: The first 'coins' were minted in

A) Lonia
B) Lydia
C) Caria
D) Phrygia

MCQ 427: A groups that one must be coerced, or pushed, to join is called

A) Voluntary organizations
B) Non-voluntary organization
C) Coercive organizations
D) Utilitarian organizations

MCQ 428: A pattern that is globally common in every society is

A) Cultural imperialism
B) Cultural relativism
C) Cultural lag
D) Culture globally

MCQ 429: A little change occur in social position is called

A) Value system
B) Social system
C) Closed system
D) Open system

MCQ 430: ADHD' positively respond to

A) Poppy plant drug
B) Plant drug
C) Stimulant drugs
D) Anti inflammatory drugs

Sociology Exam Prep Tests

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