Graduate Programs Courses

Chapter 19: Sociology Exam Tests

Sociology MCQs - Chapter 19

Sociological Research Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Sociological Research Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Sociological Research MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-1 to study Sociology Course. Practice Ethical Concerns MCQs, Sociological Research trivia questions and answers PDF for distance learning programs. The Sociological Research MCQs App Download: Free learning app for participant observation, experiments, field research career test to study online classes courses.

The MCQ: Without using a lab experiment or survey and gathering data from natural environment is known as; "Sociological Research" App Download (Free) with answers: Lab research; Field research; Environmental research; Scientific research; for distance learning programs. Solve Symbolic Interactions Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online university courses.

Sociological Research MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Without using a lab experiment or survey and gathering data from natural environment is known as

  1. Field research
  2. Lab research
  3. Environmental research
  4. Scientific research
MCQ 2:

Rothman' had conducted a form of study called

  1. Literature review
  2. Participant observation
  3. Ethnography
  4. Case study
MCQ 3:

Using data collected by others but interpreting it differently

  1. Primary data
  2. Secondary data
  3. Tertiary data
  4. Quaternary data
MCQ 4:

The sociologists divided the people into groups

  1. Experimental group
  2. Controlled group
  3. Research group
  4. A and B
MCQ 5:

Field research' refers to gathering

  1. Secondary data
  2. Primary data
  3. Tertiary research method
  4. Quaternary research method

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