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Shape and size of Earth Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download

The Shape and size of Earth Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Shape and size of Earth Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-1 to study geography online course. Practice Earth basic facts and mapping MCQ Questions PDF, shape and size of earth Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free online classes. The Shape and size of Earth Quiz App Download: Free learning app for shape and size of earth, work of moving ice, shape and size of earth test prep for online graduate programs.

The Quiz: Radius of the Earth is about; "Shape and size of Earth" App Download (Free) with answers: 5000 miles; 3000 miles; 6000 miles; 4000 miles; for free online classes. Solve earth basic facts and mapping questions and answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online master degree courses.

Shape and size of Earth Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 1

MCQ 1:

Radius of the Earth is about

  1. 3000 miles
  2. 5000 miles
  3. 6000 miles
  4. 4000 miles
MCQ 2:

When the wind blows it carries different materials and then transfer it from one place to another, this process is known as

  1. wind erode
  2. wind erosion
  3. wind deposition
  4. wind transportation
MCQ 3:

Suddenly and quickly movement of the air is known as

  1. headshaking
  2. crustal movement
  3. saccade
  4. swift movement
MCQ 4:

Height of Mount Everest above sea level is about

  1. 15000 feet
  2. 21000 feet
  3. 29000 feet
  4. 89000 feet
MCQ 5:

With the passage of time transferred material starts deposit, this process of weathering is known as

  1. deposition
  2. erosion
  3. transportation
  4. decomposition

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

Shape and size of Earth Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Shape and size of Earth App (Android & iOS)

Shape and size of Earth App (Android & iOS)

Physical Geography App (Android & iOS)

Physical Geography App (iOS & Android)

6th Grade Geography App (Android & iOS)

6th Grade Geography App (Android & iOS)

O Level Geography App (Android & iOS)

O Level Geography App (iOS & Android)