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Phylum Practice Tests

Phylum Online Tests

Phylum Hemichordata Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Phylum Hemichordata Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Phylum Hemichordata MCQ PDF Download) free to learn phylum online courses. Practice Hemichordata and Invertebrates Chordates Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Phylum Hemichordata quiz answers PDF for online bachelor degree programs. The Phylum Hemichordata MCQ App Download: Free learning app for subphylum cephalochordate, subphylum urochordata, phylum hemichordata test prep for online college courses.

The MCQ: Larva of the hemichordates is ciliated and is named as; "Phylum Hemichordata" App Download (Free) with answers trochophore, tornaria, planula larva and muller 's larva for online bachelor degree programs. Study phylum hemichordata quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online degrees.

Phylum Hemichordata MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The larva of the hemichordates is ciliated and is named as

  1. trochophore
  2. tornaria
  3. planula larva
  4. Muller 's larva

MCQ 2: The phylum Hemichordata share characteristics with

  1. chordata only
  2. echinodermata only
  3. annelid
  4. chordata and echinodermata

MCQ 3: In the hemichordates the process of the fertilization is

  1. internal
  2. external
  3. middle
  4. none of above

MCQ 4: The size of hemichordates is approximately

  1. 10-40 cm
  2. 20-30 cm
  3. 50-65 cm
  4. 5-7 cm

MCQ 5: Acorn worms are included in the phylum

  1. chordata
  2. hemichordata
  3. echinoderms
  4. annelids

Phylum Practice Tests

Phylum Hemichordata Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Phylum Hemichordata App (Android & iOS)

Phylum Hemichordata App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

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