MBA Management Degree Courses

Chapter 7: MBA Organizational Structure & Design Exam Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design MCQs - Chapter 7

Management and Organization Techniques Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

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The MCQ: An approach that states a general description of the problem to be addressed or project to be undertaken, is; "Management and Organization Techniques" App Download (Free) with answers: The Monetary approach; The Technical Approach; Scaling Approach; Criterion Approach; for free online college courses. Solve Time Value of Money Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for accelerated online degrees.

Management and Organization Techniques MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

An approach that states a general description of the problem to be addressed or project to be undertaken, is

  1. The Technical Approach
  2. The Monetary approach
  3. Scaling Approach
  4. Criterion Approach
MCQ 2:

Estimate to completion in the earned value analysis is defined to be

  1. EAC - AC
  2. BAC - AC
  3. CPI - AC
  4. SPI - AC
MCQ 3:

Actual cost to date compared with total budget in the earned value management is defined by

  1. Percentage complete
  2. Percentage spent
  3. Cost performance index
  4. Schedule performance index
MCQ 4:

In the EVM method, schedule variance can be calculated as

  1. AC-EV
  2. AC-PV
  3. EV-PV
  4. EV-AC
MCQ 5:

Reorganization projects can be thought of as an example of

  1. Organization projects
  2. Investment projects
  3. Internal projects
  4. R and D projects

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Management and Organization Techniques App (Android & iOS)

Management and Organization Techniques App (Android & iOS)

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Organizational Structure and Design App (iOS & Android)

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