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MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Online Tests

Analytical Tools MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Analytical Tools Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Analytical Tools MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Organizational Structure & Design Tests. Learn Management and Organization Techniques Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Analytical Tools quiz answers PDF for executive MBA management programs. The Analytical Tools MCQ App Download: Free learning app for earned value management, cost performance index, analytical methods, project risk management test prep for online degree programs.

The MCQ: Budgeted cost related of work in the earned value management related to the schedule is defined by; "Analytical Tools" App Download (Free) with answers: Planned value; Performance index; Schedule performance index; Earned value; for executive MBA management programs. Practice Analytical Tools Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for colleges that offer certificate programs.

Analytical Tools MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The calculation of earned value depends on

  1. Activity type
  2. Actual cost
  3. Economic growth
  4. Cumulative cost
MCQ 2:

Budgeted cost related of work in the earned value management related to the schedule is defined by

  1. Planned value
  2. Performance index
  3. Schedule performance index
  4. Earned value
MCQ 3:

In the earned value analysis, the amount of work performed during a given period is defined through

  1. Planned value
  2. Earned value
  3. Budget at completion
  4. Estimate at completion
MCQ 4:

The cumulative actual cost of work performed during a given period is defined through

  1. Earned value
  2. Planned value
  3. Actual cost
  4. Cost variance
MCQ 5:

In the earned value management, total costs of all activities can be calculated by

  1. Estimate at completion
  2. Budget at completion
  3. Cost performance
  4. Cost variance

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

Analytical Tools Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

The App: Analytical Tools MCQs App to study Analytical Tools Textbook, Organizational Structure and Design MCQ App, and Project Management MCQ App. The "Analytical Tools" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Analytical Tools App (Android & iOS)

Analytical Tools App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (iOS & Android)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (iOS & Android)