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Metabolism Practice Test 44

Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 44

The Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ with Answers PDF (Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-44 to prepare Metabolism Practice Tests. Learn Metabolism of Lipid Test PDF, Metabolism of Cholesterol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online schools. The Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ App Download: Free certification app for metabolism of serine, metabolism of sulfur amino acids, glycogen storage diseases, metabolism of phospholipids, metabolism of cholesterol test prep to learn certification courses online.

The MCQ: The functions of the cholesterol, involved in the; "Metabolism of Cholesterol" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Precursor for the synthesis of the steroids; Structural component of the cell membrane; Essential ingredient in the structure of lipoproteins; for best online schools. Practice Metabolism of Lipid Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online degree programs.

Metabolism of Cholesterol MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 44

MCQ 216:

The functions of the cholesterol, involved in the

  1. structural component of the cell membrane
  2. precursor for the synthesis of the steroids
  3. essential ingredient in the structure of lipoproteins
  4. all of above
MCQ 217:

The only phospholipid that has the antigenic property, categorically known as

  1. Prostaglandin
  2. Cardiolipin
  3. Inositol
  4. Plasmalogens
MCQ 218:

Cori s disease can be as a result of defect in enzyme, named as

  1. Amylo alpha-1, 6 glucosidase
  2. Phosphofructokinase
  3. Glucose-6-phosphate
  4. Protein kinase
MCQ 219:

The sulfur atom of the cysteine originates from

  1. Homocysteine only
  2. Methionine only
  3. Serine
  4. Homocysteine and Methionine
MCQ 220:

In bacteria, serine is a precursor for

  1. Valine
  2. Tryptophan
  3. Tyrosine
  4. Proline

Metabolism Exam Prep Tests

Metabolism of Cholesterol Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Metabolism of Cholesterol App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism of Cholesterol App (Android & iOS)

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