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Metabolism Practice Test 12

Glycogen storage diseases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

The Glycogen storage diseases MCQ with Answers PDF (Glycogen storage diseases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-12 to prepare Metabolism Practice Tests. Learn Metabolism of Carbohydrates Test PDF, Glycogen storage diseases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor degree online in 2 years. The Glycogen storage diseases MCQ App Download: Free certification app for obesity, glycogen storage diseases test prep for online master degree programs.

The MCQ: Cori s disease, generally affecting the; "Glycogen storage diseases" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Muscles; Liver; Heart and leukocytes; for bachelor degree online in 2 years. Practice Metabolism of Carbohydrates Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for accelerated bachelors degree online.

Glycogen storage diseases MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

Cori s disease, generally affecting the

  1. Liver
  2. Muscles
  3. Heart and leukocytes
  4. all of above
MCQ 57:

If the process of gluconeogenesis is being blocked, the resulting condition is called as

  1. Hyperuricemia
  2. Hyperlipidemia
  3. Lactic acidemia
  4. Fasting hypoglycemia
MCQ 58:

The abnormal increase in the body weight, due to excessive fat accumulation, known to be as

  1. Obesity
  2. Kwashiorkor
  3. Marasmus disease
  4. Eating disorder
MCQ 59:

The bond between the glycerol and phosphate of the phospholipid is cleaved by

  1. Phospholipase D
  2. Phospholipase C
  3. Phospholipase A
  4. Phospholipase A2
MCQ 60:

The proportion of cytochrome and mitochondria is high in

  1. white adipose tissues
  2. brown adipose tissues
  3. muscles
  4. skeleton

Metabolism Exam Prep Tests

Glycogen storage diseases Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Glycogen storage diseases App (Android & iOS)

Glycogen storage diseases App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism App (Android & iOS)

Metabolism App (iOS & Android)

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