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Marine Pollution Certification Exam Tests

Marine Pollution Practice Test 73

Introduction to Pollution Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 73

The Introduction to Pollution Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Introduction to Pollution Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-73 to prepare Marine Pollution Practice Tests. Solve What is Pollution MCQ with answers PDF, Introduction to Pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for colleges and universities exams. The Introduction to Pollution Quiz App Download: Free learning app for modern technology ecotoxicogenomics, polluting organic chemicals, introduction to pollution test prep for free online courses.

The Quiz: Rachel Carson' was an eminent American; "Introduction to Pollution" App Download (Free) with answers: Biologist; Ecologist; Scientist; Philosopher; for colleges and universities exams. Learn What is Pollution Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online tutor courses.

Introduction to Pollution Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 73

MCQ 361:

Rachel Carson' was an eminent American;

  1. Ecologist
  2. Biologist
  3. Scientist
  4. Philosopher
MCQ 362:

The molecules containing only single bonds, named as;

  1. Alkyne
  2. Alkane
  3. Ethylene
  4. Ethylene
MCQ 363:

The impact of a certain type of pollution is known for the;

  1. scope of growth
  2. General adaptation syndrome
  3. Biodegradation
  4. Bioventing
MCQ 364:

The book 'silent spring' was written by;

  1. Darwin
  2. Rachel Carson
  3. Einstein
  4. Jabir bin Ayan
MCQ 365:

Gastropods and fishes prey on;

  1. filter feeders
  2. Phytoplankton's
  3. Zooplanktons
  4. whales

Marine Pollution Exam Prep Tests

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Introduction to Pollution App (Android & iOS)

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