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External Genitalia Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book External Genitalia Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, External Genitalia MCQ PDF download to learn free histology online courses. Practice Female Reproductive System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), External Genitalia quiz answers PDF for online histology certification. The External Genitalia MCQ App Download: Free learning app for external genitalia, corpus luteum test prep for best online universities.

The MCQ: A pair of the hairless folds of the skin which form lateral walls of the vestibule is named as; "External Genitalia" App Download (Free) with answers labia minora, muscularis, labia majora and graafian follicle for online histology certification. Study external genitalia quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online college courses.

External Genitalia MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: A pair of the hairless folds of the skin which form lateral walls of the vestibule is named as

A) labia minora
B) Muscularis
C) labia majora
D) Graafian follicle

MCQ 2: A dense layer of the connective tissues, binding the vagina of the female to the surrounding structures, known as

A) adventitia
B) Muscularis
C) labia majora
D) labia minor

MCQ 3: The lateral boundaries of the urogenital cleft, covered by the two longitudinal folds of the skin, known as

A) labia minora
B) Muscularis
C) labia minora
D) squamous

MCQ 4: Vestibular glands are also named as

A) Bartholin s gland
B) glans clitoridis
C) androgens
D) fusiform

MCQ 5: The cyst of the cervical gland is named as

A) nabothian cyst
B) ovary cyst
C) uterine cyst
D) parotid gland

Histology Practice Tests

External Genitalia Learning App & Free Study Apps

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External Genitalia App (Android & iOS)

External Genitalia App (Android & iOS)

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