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General Zoology Certification Exam Tests

General Zoology Practice Test 58

Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 58

The Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-58 to solve General Zoology Practice Tests. Study Chromosomes and Genetic Linkage quiz answers PDF, Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor degree online. The Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes MCQs App Download: Free educational app for molecules of animals, glycolysis: first phase of nutrient metabolism, integumentary system of invertebrates, mammalian digestive system, sex chromosomes and autosomes test prep for accelerated online degrees.

The MCQs: Which organism has 42 chromosomes; "Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Rat; Chicken; Frog; Cat; for bachelor degree online. Practice Chromosomes and Genetic Linkage Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online degree programs.

Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 58

MCQ 286:

Which organism has 42 chromosomes?

  1. chicken
  2. rat
  3. frog
  4. cat
MCQ 287:

Secretion of the stomach is called

  1. mucous glands
  2. gastric juice
  3. saliva
  4. pepsin
MCQ 288:

Epidermal cells present at the animal surface, obtaining

  1. cilia
  2. flagella
  3. pores
  4. spines
MCQ 289:

A catabolic reaction, breaking down of glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvate, produced two molecules of ATP, called as

  1. Kerb's cycle
  2. glycolysis
  3. respiration
  4. oxidation
MCQ 290:

The link between two amino acids is called

  1. hydrogen bond
  2. peptide bond
  3. covalent bond
  4. hydrogen bond

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

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