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General Zoology Practice Test 78

Meiosis: Basis of Sexual Reproduction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 78

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The MCQs: Fusion of male and female gametes is called; "Meiosis: Basis of Sexual Reproduction" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers syngamy, fertilization, reproduction and fusion to learn online professional courses. Practice cell division questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for colleges that offer online classes.

Meiosis: Basis of Sexual Reproduction Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 78

MCQ 386: The fusion of male and female gametes is called

A) fertilization
B) syngamy
C) reproduction
D) fusion

MCQ 387: Both cartilaginous and bony endoskeletons first appeared in the

A) vertebrates
B) invertebrates
C) microbes
D) microorganisms

MCQ 388: Periodically shedding the old, outgrown cuticle in some invertebrates is called

A) growing of cells
B) dying of cells
C) ecdysis
D) mutation

MCQ 389: The pyrimidine that is present in RNA and absent in DNA is

A) adenine
B) guanine
C) uracil
D) thymine

MCQ 390: The movement of a molecule across the plasma membrane against the concentration gradient is termed as

A) active transport
B) passive transport
C) diffusion
D) osmosis

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

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