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General Zoology Practice Tests

General Zoology Online Tests

Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms MCQ PDF Book) download to learn zoology online courses. Practice Chemical Basis of Animals Life Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms quiz answers PDF to learn online professional courses. The Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms MCQ App Download: Free learning app for acids, bases and buffers, molecules of animals test prep for online certificate courses.

The MCQ: If an atom gains or loses an electron from an electric charge, the resulting bond is called; "Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms" App Download (Free) with answers ionic bond, covalent bond, hydrogen bond and peptide bond to learn online professional courses. Study compounds and molecules aggregates of atoms quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online university.

Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: If an atom gains or loses an electron from an electric charge, the resulting bond is called

  1. ionic bond
  2. covalent bond
  3. hydrogen bond
  4. peptide bond

MCQ 2: Two or more elements or atoms chemically combined are called

  1. united atoms
  2. molecules
  3. compounds
  4. atomic mass

MCQ 3: Symmetric distribution of charges in a covalent bond is called

  1. polar covalent bond
  2. non polar covalent bond
  3. symmetric bond
  4. asymmetric bond

MCQ 4: A chemical bond formed by sharing of the electron is called

  1. hydrogen bond
  2. ionic bond
  3. covalent bond
  4. chemical bond

MCQ 5: The electric forces that bind the atom together are called as

  1. attractive forces
  2. chemical bonds
  3. force of binding
  4. force of repulsion

General Zoology Practice Tests

Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms App (Android & iOS)

Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms App (Android & iOS)

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