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Heat Capacity MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Heat Capacity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Heat Capacity MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice SAT Physics Tests. Study Transfer of Thermal Energy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Heat Capacity quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Heat Capacity MCQ App Download: Free learning app for transfer of thermal energy, convection types, application of thermal energy transfer, heat capacity test prep to enroll in online colleges.

The MCQ: (Mass × specific heat capacity × temperature change) is equal to; "Heat Capacity" App Download (Free) with answers: Kinetic energy transferred; Potential energy transferred; Thermal energy transferred; Heat capacity transferred; for online certificate programs. Practice Heat Capacity Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for best online colleges with financial aid.

Heat Capacity MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The SI unit of thermal energy is

  1. Joule
  2. watt
  3. farad
  4. newton
MCQ 2:

(Mass × specific heat capacity × temperature change) is equal to

  1. kinetic energy transferred
  2. potential energy transferred
  3. thermal energy transferred
  4. heat capacity transferred
MCQ 3:

If Q is the thermal energy absorbed or released, δθ is the change in temperature, m is the mass of the substance, C is the heat capacity then the specific heat capacity is expressed as

  1. c = 1/m(Q/δθ)
  2. c = 1/m(Q+δθ)
  3. c = 1/m(δθ/Q)
  4. c = 1×m(Q/δθ)
MCQ 4:

If an electric heating coil supplies 60 W of power to a block of metal having mass of 0.5 kg and then raises the temperature of the block from 30 °C to 60 °C in 50 s. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal?

  1. 20 J Kg-1 -1
  2. 200 J Kg-1 -1
  3. 300 J Kg-1 -1
  4. 500 J Kg-1 -1
MCQ 5:

The specific heat capacity of water is

  1. 2400 J Kg-1 K -1
  2. 400 J Kg-1 K -1
  3. 3900 J Kg-1 K -1
  4. 4200 J Kg-1 K -1

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Heat Capacity Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Heat Capacity App (Android & iOS)

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