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Nervous System of Mammals MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 146

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The MCQ Quiz: Mixed nerves have nerve fibers from; "Nervous System of Mammals" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Effectors; Receptors; Receptor and Effector; Spinal Cord; to learn online classes courses. Practice Nervous System in Mammals Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for grad school interview questions.

Nervous System of Mammals MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 146

MCQ 726:

Mixed nerves have nerve fibers from

  1. Receptors
  2. Effectors
  3. Receptor and Effector
  4. Spinal Cord
MCQ 727:

A person become addicted to cigrettes as they contain

  1. Alcohol
  2. Nicotine
  3. Acid
  4. Base
MCQ 728:

The allel that mask the effect of other allel is called

  1. Recessive
  2. Over dominant
  3. Dominant
  4. Co dominant
MCQ 729:

Oxidation of food during cellular respiration is done by

  1. oxidation enzymes
  2. reduction enzymes
  3. oxidation -reduction enzymes
  4. none
MCQ 730:

Ecological community is the combination of two different

  1. Species
  2. Organisms
  3. Population
  4. Habitat

SAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Nervous System of Mammals App (Android & iOS)

Nervous System of Mammals App (Android & iOS)

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