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Environmental Management Certification Exam Tests

Environmental Management Practice Test 41

Biomes and Distribution Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 41

The Biomes and Distribution Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Biomes and Distribution Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-41 to prepare Environmental Management Practice Tests. Solve Biosphere MCQ with answers PDF, Biomes and Distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for colleges that offer online degrees. The Biomes and Distribution Quiz App Download: Free learning app for strategies to reduce effects of acid rain, competition for water supply, global warming and green house effect, deforestation and sustainable management of forests, biomes and distribution test prep for online colleges that offer financial aid.

The Quiz MCQ: In cacti why the leaves are reduced to spines; "Biomes and Distribution" App Download (Free) with answers: To maximise transpiration; Store water; To minimise transpiration; Evapo-transpiration; for colleges that offer online degrees. Learn Biosphere Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online GCSE courses.

Biomes and Distribution Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 41

MCQ 201:

In cacti why the leaves are reduced to spines?

  1. Store water
  2. To maximise transpiration
  3. To minimise transpiration
  4. evapo-transpiration
MCQ 202:

Which climates are cold in every season and very cold in winter?

  1. Tundra and cool temperate interior
  2. Savanna & monsoon
  3. Tundra & Desert
  4. Equatorial and Savanna
MCQ 203:

CFCs remain in the atmosphere for how many years?

  1. More than 1000 years
  2. less than 1000 years
  3. 60 years
  4. 100 years
MCQ 204:

What are the types of unmanaged waste in rural areas?

  1. Farm animal waste
  2. Residues of farm additives
  3. Acid Deposition
  4. All of them
MCQ 205:

In which zone the local communities, conservation agencies, cultural groups, and other intersted parties can work togather for conservation of natural resources?

  1. Core Areas
  2. Buffer Zone
  3. Transition Area
  4. Environment

Environmental Management Exam Prep Tests

Biomes and Distribution Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Biomes and Distribution App (Android & iOS)

Biomes and Distribution App (Android & iOS)

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Environmental Management App (iOS & Android)

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Biochemistry App (Android & iOS)

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