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Environmental Management Practice Test 142

Fresh Water and Water Supply MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 142

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Fresh Water and Water Supply MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 142

MCQ 706:

What is domestic sector of water?

  1. Use in House
  2. In industry
  3. Agricultural
  4. Factories
MCQ 707:

Water poor countries pump up underground water to the surface is known as

  1. Saliniation
  2. Desalinization
  3. Aquifers
  4. osmosis
MCQ 708:

What was the worst effect of El Nino 1997-8 on Argentina?

  1. Worst drought for 20 Years
  2. Heavy rains delayed planting of crops on the pampas
  3. Forest Fire Burnt out Control
  4. Forest Fire Burnt out Control
MCQ 709:

Which rocks are formed by the change of heat and pressure in the earth crust?

  1. Sedimentary Rocks
  2. Metamorphic Rocks
  3. Igneous Rocks
  4. Limestone Rocks
MCQ 710:

In 1998, floods cost how much US$ in Bangladesh?

  1. 1 Billion US$
  2. 2 Billion US$
  3. 3 Billion US$
  4. 4 Billion US$

Environmental Management Exam Prep Tests

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Fresh Water and Water Supply App (Android & iOS)

Fresh Water and Water Supply App (Android & iOS)

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