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IGCSE O Level Chemistry Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Chemistry Practice Test 131

Chemical Symbols Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 131

The Chemical Symbols Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Chemical Symbols Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-131 to solve IGCSE O Level Chemistry Practice Tests. Learn Chemical Formulae and Equations MCQ Questions PDF, Chemical Symbols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online courses. The Chemical Symbols Trivia App Download: Free educational app for chemical symbols, chemical reaction: factor affecting, periodic table: o level chemistry, redox reactions, acids: properties and reactions test prep for accredited online college courses.

The Quiz: The formula of Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate indicates that for each ion of; "Chemical Symbols" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Ca, two ions of hydrogen carbonate are required; Hydrogen carbonate, two ions of Ca are required; Ca, three ions of hydrogen carbonate are required; CA, four ions of hydrogen carbonate are required; for accredited online college courses. Study Chemical Formulae and Equations Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online schools that offer certificate programs.

Chemical Symbols Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 131

MCQ 651:

The formula of Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate indicates that for each ion of

  1. hydrogen carbonate, two ions of Ca are required
  2. Ca, two ions of hydrogen carbonate are required
  3. Ca, three ions of hydrogen carbonate are required
  4. CA, four ions of hydrogen carbonate are required
MCQ 652:

According to collision theory, an increase in temperature increases

  1. kinetic energy of reactants only
  2. heat energy of reactants only
  3. mass of the reactants
  4. kinetic energy and heat energy of reactants
MCQ 653:

The period number indicates the number of

  1. neutrons
  2. valence electrons
  3. electron shells
  4. all of above
MCQ 654:

What is correct about reductant?

  1. it removes oxygen only
  2. it donates electrons only
  3. it is oxidizing agent
  4. it removes oxygen and donates electrons
MCQ 655:

Hydrogen Chloride gas (HCl(g)) dissolved in Methylbenzene (C7H8) is not acidic because

  1. it is ionic in nature
  2. it has ample free hydrogen ions
  3. it has no free hydrogen ions
  4. it can easily form hydroxonium ions

IGCSE O Level Chemistry Exam Prep Tests

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