O Level Courses

IGCSE O Level Chemistry Practice Tests

IGCSE O Level Chemistry Online Tests

Fast and Slow Reactions MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Fast and Slow Reactions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Fast and Slow Reactions MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE O Level Chemistry Tests. Learn Speed of Reaction Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Fast and Slow Reactions quiz answers PDF to learn distance learning courses. The Fast and Slow Reactions MCQ App Download: Free learning app for chemical reaction: factor affecting, fast and slow reactions, measuring speed of reaction test prep for online colleges for teaching.

The MCQ: Haber process for the manufacturing of ammonia requires the catalyst of; "Fast and Slow Reactions" App Download (Free) with answers: Vanadium oxide; Iron; Platinum; Nickel; to learn distance learning courses. Practice Fast and Slow Reactions Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for colleges that offer certificate programs.

Fast and Slow Reactions MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Chemical substances speeding up the rate of a chemical reaction is called as

  1. pressure
  2. concentration
  3. catalysts
  4. inhibitors
MCQ 2:

Haber process for the manufacturing of ammonia requires the catalyst of

  1. vanadium oxide
  2. iron
  3. platinum
  4. nickel
MCQ 3:

Milk turns sour due to

  1. conversion of lactose in lactic acid
  2. conversion of lactic acid into lactase
  3. conversion of lactic acid into lactose
  4. none of above
MCQ 4:

If a piece of blood-rich liver is dipped in hydrogen peroxide, the gas given off is

  1. hydrogen
  2. water vapors
  3. CO
  4. Oxygen
MCQ 5:

Adsorption refers to the

  1. bounding of a substance to the surface of another substance
  2. diffusion of one substance to the bulk of other substances completely
  3. boiling of liquid at the surface
  4. none of above

IGCSE O Level Chemistry Practice Tests

Fast and Slow Reactions Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Fast and Slow Reactions App (Android & iOS)

Fast and Slow Reactions App (Android & iOS)

O Level Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

O Level Chemistry App (iOS & Android)

College Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

College Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

A level Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

A level Chemistry App (iOS & Android)