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IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 353

Cells: Building Blocks of Life Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 353

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Cells: Building Blocks of Life Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 353

MCQ 1761: The term cell was named by

A) English botanist
B) Swedish Botanist
C) German Botanist
D) Italian Botanist

MCQ 1762: Harmful substances introduced in the air includes all, but

A) carbon dioxide
B) lead
C) zinc
D) nitrogen oxide

MCQ 1763: Pulmonary arteries carry

A) red oxygenated blood
B) bluish red deoxygenated blood
C) deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs
D) oxygenated blood from lungs to heart

MCQ 1764: Bisexual flowers may avoid self-pollination if

A) anther and stigma is absent
B) anther and stigma do not produce enough eggs and pollens
C) anther and stigma mature at different times
D) anther and stigma mature at same times

MCQ 1765: When a receptor is activated, the impulse travels along the

A) receptor neuron
B) effector neuron
C) sphincter muscles
D) pituitary gland

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

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