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Evolution of Seed Habit Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 356

The Evolution of Seed Habit MCQ with Answers PDF (Evolution of Seed Habit Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-356 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Study Kingdom Plantae Test PDF, Evolution of Seed Habit Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for SAT test prep classes. The Evolution of Seed Habit MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for evolution of seed habit, veins and arteries, hemoglobin, osmoregulation, division bryophyta test prep to learn online training courses.

The MCQ Quiz: In kingdom Plantae, the pine is a; "Evolution of Seed Habit" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Cones; Flowering tree; Conifer; Leaf; for SAT test prep classes. Practice Kingdom Plantae Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for ACT test.

Evolution of Seed Habit MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 356

MCQ 1776:

In kingdom Plantae, the pine is a

  1. flowering tree
  2. cones
  3. conifer
  4. leaf
MCQ 1777:

If any artery which is supplying blood to brain leaks or discharges blood burst, such artery is called

  1. hemorrhage
  2. stroke
  3. hypertension
  4. myocardial infarction
MCQ 1778:

The oxygen combines with hemoglobin in the blood and form

  1. oxyhemoglobin
  2. deoxyhemoglobin
  3. hemoglobin
  4. carbohemoglobin
MCQ 1779:

An animal which can survive in drastic conditions of the desert by feeding on seeds of plants containing more carbohydrates is

  1. camel
  2. Scorpio
  3. kangaroo rat
  4. none of others
MCQ 1780:

A less conspicuous generation which partially or completely depends upon gametophyte for its nutrition is a

  1. sporophyte
  2. saprophyte
  3. prophyte
  4. symbion

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Evolution of Seed Habit Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Evolution of Seed Habit App (Android & iOS)

Evolution of Seed Habit App (Android & iOS)

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