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Digestion and Absorption Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 357

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Digestion & Absorption Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 357

MCQ 1781:

The folds of ileum in the shape of finger-like outgrowths are called

  1. microvillus
  2. lumen
  3. villi
  4. cilia
MCQ 1782:

If sea urchin egg at the two-cell stage is shaking to separate the two cells, they both

  1. die
  2. develop into normal larvae
  3. grow abnormally
  4. develop into abnormal larvae
MCQ 1783:

Reflex movement of eyes is controlled by

  1. forebrain
  2. midbrain
  3. hindbrain
  4. future brain
MCQ 1784:

The shape of the pituitary gland is

  1. circle
  2. square
  3. triangular
  4. ovoid
MCQ 1785:

Bats and hummingbirds belong to which group?

  1. endotherms
  2. ectotherms
  3. heterotherms
  4. hypotherms

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Digestion & Absorption App (Android & iOS)

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College Biology App (iOS & Android)

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