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College Biology Practice Test 364

Excretion in Vertebrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 364

The Excretion in Vertebrates MCQ with Answers PDF (Excretion in Vertebrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-364 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Study What is Homeostasis Test PDF, Excretion in Vertebrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for SAT practice test. The Excretion in Vertebrates MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for excretion in vertebrates, homeostasis: excretion, carbohydrates, emergence and implication - cell theory, aquatic and terrestrial animals: respiratory organs test prep for online college classes.

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Excretion in Vertebrates MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 364

MCQ 1816:

In peritoneal dialysis, the peritoneal cavity is filled with dialysis fluid through a

  1. valve
  2. catheter
  3. sphincter
  4. pump
MCQ 1817:

Less amount of nitrogen is present in

  1. creatinine
  2. creatine
  3. trimethylamine oxide
  4. all of above
MCQ 1818:

Utilization of carbon dioxide from air and water from the soil to manufacture glucose is done by

  1. animals
  2. plants
  3. humans
  4. bacteria
MCQ 1819:

The resolution of a human naked eye is

  1. 2.0mm
  2. 1.0mm
  3. 3.0mm
  4. 0.2mm
MCQ 1820:

The opening of the larynx is called

  1. glottis
  2. epiglottis
  3. vocal cords
  4. soft palate

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Excretion in Vertebrates Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Excretion in Vertebrates App (Android & iOS)

Excretion in Vertebrates App (Android & iOS)

College Biology App (Android & iOS)

College Biology App (iOS & Android)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Zoology App (Android & iOS)

Zoology App (iOS & Android)