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Gastric Function Tests MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Gastric Function Tests Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Gastric Function Tests MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Medical Biochemistry Tests. Learn Organ Function Tests Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Gastric Function Tests quiz answers PDF to learn online university courses. The Gastric Function Tests MCQ App Download: Free learning app for jaundice, gastric function tests, kidney function tests, thyroid function tests test prep for online undergraduate degree.

The MCQ: A surgical operation in which one or more branches of the vagus nerve are cut, mainly to reduce gastric secretion is termed as; "Gastric Function Tests" App Download (Free) with answers: Biopsy; Autopsy; Vagatomy; Hepatotomy; to learn online university courses. Practice Gastric Function Tests Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for colleges and universities exams.

Gastric Function Tests MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The traditional method that is used to analyse gastric function by passing a tube invariably in the stomach to collect the gastric juice is termed as

  1. Tubeless gastric analysis
  2. Fractional test meal
  3. Augmented histamine test meal
  4. Insulin meal test
MCQ 2:

A surgical operation in which one or more branches of the vagus nerve are cut, mainly to reduce gastric secretion is termed as

  1. Biopsy
  2. Autopsy
  3. Vagatomy
  4. Hepatotomy
MCQ 3:

The powerful stimulant of the gastric HCL secretion is

  1. Valine
  2. Histamine
  3. Proline
  4. Serine
MCQ 4:

The pH in the gastric lumen is

  1. 0.1
  2. 0.6
  3. 0.8
  4. 0.1
MCQ 5:

The major organ of the digestion is

  1. Mouth
  2. Stomach
  3. Intestine
  4. Tongue

Medical Biochemistry Practice Tests

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