Chapter 4: MBA Business Statistics Exam Tests
MBA Business Statistics MCQs - Chapter 4
The Hypothesis Testing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Hypothesis Testing MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-1 to study MBA Business Statistics Course. Practice T-Test MCQs, Hypothesis Testing trivia questions and answers PDF for easiest online MBA. The Hypothesis Testing MCQs App Download: Free learning app for career test to study online schools courses.
The MCQ: The decision value to reject the null hypothesis incase of a two tail test is said to be; "Hypothesis Testing" App Download (Free) with answers: Calculated t must be less than critical value in absolute form; Calculated t must be less than critical value; Calculated t must be greater than critical value; Calculated t is less than negative of critical t-value; for easiest online MBA. Solve T-Test Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) .
The decision value to reject the null hypothesis incase of a two tail test is said to be
In t-test, if the calculated value is greater than the critical value in absolute form, then
In t-test, if df is greater than 20, α is equal to 0.05 and calculated t value is greater than 2 then
In a two tail test, the parameter/estimator for hypothesis taken as
The decision value to reject the null hypothesis incase of a left tail test is said to be
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