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Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 17

Storage and Handling of Files Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 17

The Storage and Handling of Files Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Storage and Handling of Files Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-17 to prepare Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests. Solve File Systems MCQ with answers PDF, Storage and Handling of Files Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer science engineering. The Storage and Handling of Files Quiz App Download: Free learning app for storage and handling of files, peripheral devices, computer programmer, detection of program errors, data collection and input test prep for online college courses.

The Quiz: Preparation of disc for subsequent file storage is classified as; "Storage & Handling of Files" App Download (Free) with answers: Disc address; Disc format; Disc footer; Disc header; for online computer science engineering. Learn File Systems Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science online programs.

Storage & Handling of Files Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 17

MCQ 81:

Preparation of disc for subsequent file storage is classified as

  1. disc format
  2. disc address
  3. disc footer
  4. disc header
MCQ 82:

Teletypewriter terminal is an example of

  1. input devices
  2. output devices
  3. input/output devices
  4. storage devices
MCQ 83:

Person who keeps the disc and tape files up to date for computer installation is called

  1. file librarian
  2. punch librarian
  3. peripheral librarian
  4. terminal librarian
MCQ 84:

Error which occurs when program tried to read from file without opening it is classified as

  1. execution error messages
  2. built in messages
  3. user-defined messages
  4. half messages
MCQ 85:

Document which is considered output after processing and by adding more data to this output it can be used as input is termed as

  1. source data
  2. capturing data
  3. processing data
  4. turnaround documents

Computer Fundamentals Exam Prep Tests

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Storage & Handling of Files App (Android & iOS)

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