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Southern Ocean MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Southern Ocean Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Southern Ocean MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study general knowledge online courses. Learn Oceans of World Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Southern Ocean quiz answers PDF for MSc degree entrance exam. The Southern Ocean MCQ App Download: Free learning app for atlantic ocean facts, pacific ocean facts, arctic ocean test prep for college entrance examination.

The MCQ: Southern Ocean is also known as; "Southern Ocean" App Download (Free) with answers austral ocean, south polar ocean, antarctic ocean for MSc degree entrance exam. Study southern ocean quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for employment assessment test.

Southern Ocean MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Southern Ocean is also known as

  1. Austral Ocean
  2. South Polar Ocean
  3. Antarctic Ocean
  4. all of above
MCQ 2:

Treaty of Antarctic was signed on

  1. 1 December, 1959
  2. 10 December, 1959
  3. 9 December, 1959
  4. 6 December, 1959
MCQ 3:

Name of the first person known to be born on Antarctica is

  1. Frank Samuelsson
  2. John Cabot
  3. Emilio Marcos Palma
  4. Guy Delage
MCQ 4:

Fourth largest Ocean of the world is

  1. Antarctic Ocean
  2. Arctic Ocean
  3. Northern Ocean
  4. South Pacific Ocean
MCQ 5:

Headquarter of Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is located in

  1. New Zealand
  2. Argentina
  3. Norway
  4. Chile

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Southern Ocean Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Southern Ocean App (Android & iOS)

Southern Ocean App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)

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HTML App (Android & iOS)

Data Structure App (Android & iOS)

Data Structure App (iOS & Android)