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Nikola Tesla Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Nikola Tesla Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers, Nikola Tesla MCQs PDF download to learn free general knowledge online courses. Study Famous Scientists Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Nikola Tesla quiz answers PDF for MSc degree entrance exam. The Nikola Tesla MCQ App Download: Free learning app for sir isaac newton, niels bohr, maria goeppert mayer, aristotle test prep for high school entrance exam.

The MCQ: Major contribution of Nikola Tesla in field of science is; "Nikola Tesla" App Download (Free) with answers direct current electric supply system, alternating current electric supply system, matrix current electric supply system and in direct current for MSc degree entrance exam. Practice nikola tesla quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for global knowledge quiz.

Nikola Tesla MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Major contribution of Nikola Tesla in field of science is

A) direct current electric supply system
B) alternating current electric supply system
C) matrix current electric supply system
D) in direct current

MCQ 2: Nikola Tesla, immigrated to United States to work with

A) Pierre Curie
B) Charles Darwin
C) Thomas Edison
D) Niels Bohr

MCQ 3: Nikola Tesla was born in

A) 1854
B) 1852
C) 1850
D) 1856

MCQ 4: SI' unit of magnetic flux density is

A) tesla
B) currie
C) bohrium
D) hafnium

MCQ 5: Famous patents of Nikola Tesla includes

A) matrix mechanics
B) nuclear fission
C) quantum mechanics
D) induction motor and transformer

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Nikola Tesla Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Nikola Tesla App (Android & iOS)

Nikola Tesla App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

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