BBA Finance Degree Courses

Financial Markets Certification Exam Tests

Financial Markets Practice Test 91

Types of Financial Institutions Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 91

The Types of Financial Institutions Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Types of Financial Institutions Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-91 to solve Financial Markets Practice Tests. Learn Introduction to Financial Markets MCQ Questions PDF, Types of Financial Institutions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn finance degree online courses. The Types of Financial Institutions Trivia App Download: Free educational app for types of financial institutions, money market participants, federal fund rate, financial risk management, repurchase agreement test prep for online BBA degree.

The Quiz: The financial intermediaries that make loans available and accept long term and short term debts for funding are considered as; "Types of Financial Institutions" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Investment companies; Activity institutions; Mortgage companies; Finance companies; for online BBA degree. Study Introduction to Financial Markets Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business and management degree.

Types of Financial Institutions Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 91

MCQ 451:

The financial intermediaries that make loans available and accept long term and short term debts for funding are considered as

  1. activity institutions
  2. investment companies
  3. mortgage companies
  4. finance companies
MCQ 452:

The economic period in which the banks have excess funds is classified as

  1. functional time line
  2. contract timing
  3. contraction period
  4. expansionary periods
MCQ 453:

The interest rate at which the federal funds are borrowed and can be lent is classified as

  1. borrowing rate
  2. supplying rate
  3. lending rate
  4. federal funds rate
MCQ 454:

The risk faced by financial institutions in which advancement of technology does not produce savings in cost is classified as

  1. savings risk
  2. advance risk
  3. cost risk
  4. technology risk
MCQ 455:

The selling price is added in to repurchase agreement paid interest to calculate

  1. direct price of security
  2. repurchase price of securities
  3. purchase price of security
  4. transaction price of security

Financial Markets Exam Prep Tests

Types of Financial Institutions Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Types of Financial Institutions App (Android & iOS)

Types of Financial Institutions App (Android & iOS)

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