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Financial Markets Online Tests

Inflation Rates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Inflation Rates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Inflation Rates MCQ PDF Download) free to learn financial markets online courses. Study Foreign Exchange Markets Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Inflation Rates quiz answers PDF for online business management degrees. The Inflation Rates MCQ App Download: Free learning app for foreign exchange markets test prep for online school of business administration.

The MCQ: Theory according to which the difference between expected appreciation and foreign interest must be equal to domestic interest rate, is called; "Inflation Rates" App Download (Free) with answers interest rate parity theorem, appreciation parity theorem, domestic parity theorem and foreign interest parity theorem for online business management degrees. Practice inflation rates quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online business administration and management degree.

Inflation Rates MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The theory according to which the difference between expected appreciation and foreign interest must be equal to domestic interest rate, is called

  1. interest rate parity theorem
  2. appreciation parity theorem
  3. domestic parity theorem
  4. foreign interest parity theorem

MCQ 2: The rule which states that similar set of goods and services produced in various countries should have equal price is classified as

  1. law of similar mortgage rate
  2. law of one type manufacturing
  3. law of similar labor rules
  4. law of one price

MCQ 3: In equilibrium position, the spread between foreign and domestic rate of interest must be equal to spread of

  1. domestic rates
  2. forward and spot exchange rates
  3. forward rate
  4. spot rates

MCQ 4: The theory which considers the change in exchange rate with the fluctuations in inflation rates is classified as

  1. liquidated power parity
  2. purchasing power parity
  3. selling power parity
  4. volatile power parity

MCQ 5: The inflation rate in United States is added into real rate of interest to calculate

  1. quoted interest rate in United States
  2. nominal interest rate in United States
  3. interest rate in United States
  4. discount rate of country

Financial Markets Practice Tests

Inflation Rates Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Inflation Rates App (Android & iOS)

Inflation Rates App (Android & iOS)

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