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Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises PDF

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The MCQ: A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating through a computer network, is known as; "Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises" App Download (Free) with answers: Distributed computing; Cloud computing; Centralized computing; Parallel computing; to study online certification courses. Practice Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises FAQs, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online computer science and engineering.

Distributed Computing MCQs: Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises PDF Download

MCQ 1:

A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating through a computer network, is known as

  1. Distributed computing
  2. Cloud computing
  3. Centralized computing
  4. Parallel computing
MCQ 2:

In a distributed system, information is exchanged through

  1. Memory sharing
  2. Memory sharing
  3. Message passing
  4. Exceptions
MCQ 3:

In an execution model, the utilization rate of resources is known to be its

  1. Efficiency
  2. Dependability
  3. Flexibility
  4. Adaptation
MCQ 4:

In cloud computing we have an internet cloud of resources of the form

  1. Centralized computing
  2. Decentralized computing
  3. Parallel computing
  4. All of the Above
MCQ 5:

A distributed computer running a distributed program is known as

  1. Distributed process
  2. Distributed application
  3. Distributed computing
  4. Distributed program

Practice Tests: Distributed Computing Exam Prep

Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises App (Android & iOS)

Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Solutions to Exercises App (Android & iOS)

Distributed Computing App (Android & iOS)

Distributed Computing App (iOS & Android)

ICT App (Android & iOS)

ICT App (Android & iOS)

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