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Design and Analysis of Algorithms Quizzes with Answers PDF

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The MCQ: Function of stack that returns top data element of stack is known to be; "Design and Analysis of Algorithms Quizzes with Answers" App Download (Free) with answers: Peek(); Push(); Pop(); IsElement(); for online graduate programs. Practice Design and Analysis of Algorithms Quizzes with Answers FAQs, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for CS major.

Data Structures MCQs: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Quizzes with Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

The function of stack that returns the top data element of the stack is known to be

  1. Peek()
  2. Push()
  3. Pop()
  4. IsElement()
MCQ 2:

In stack terminology, the insertion operation is defined to be

  1. INSERT operation
  2. EDIT operation
  3. PUSH operation
  4. POP operation
MCQ 3:

The push operation of a stack comprises of

  1. 4 steps
  2. 5 steps
  3. 6 steps
  4. 7 steps
MCQ 4:

Implementation of a stack is possible by means of

  1. Arrays
  2. Linked lists
  3. Pointers
  4. All of the Above
MCQ 5:

In stack terminology, the deletion operation is defined to be

  1. POP operation
  2. PUSH operation
  3. DELETE operation
  4. REMOVE operation

Practice Tests: Data Structures Exam Prep

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