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Saturating and Non Saturating Logic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 44

The Saturating and Non Saturating Logic MCQ with Answers PDF (Saturating and Non Saturating Logic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-44 to prepare Digital Electronics Practice Tests. Learn BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching Test PDF, Saturating and Non Saturating Logic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for job placement test. The Saturating and Non Saturating Logic MCQ App Download: Free certification app for static memory cell, transistor as amplifier, dynamic memory cell amplifier, transistor characteristics and parameters, saturating and non saturating logic test prep to study e-learning courses.

The MCQ Quiz: In Schottky diode, when sufficient forward voltage is applied, a current flows in the; "Saturating & Non Saturating Logic" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Forward direction; Reverse direction; Random direction; Not flow; for job placement test. Practice BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online engineering graduate schools.

Saturating & Non Saturating Logic MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 44

MCQ 216:

In Schottky diode, when sufficient forward voltage is applied, a current flows in the

  1. reverse direction
  2. forward direction
  3. random direction
  4. not flow
MCQ 217:

When transistor is forward-reverse biased, the voltage gain depends on internal

  1. base resistance
  2. collector resistance
  3. emitter resistance
  4. drain resistance
MCQ 218:

Signal at output of the sense amplifier of selected column is fed to

  1. bus-output line
  2. data-output line
  3. input-output line
  4. register-output line
MCQ 219:

AC output of the amplifier, when collector resistance is 2.0kΩ with internal emitter resistance of 30Ω, is

  1. 2 V rms
  2. 4 V rms
  3. 6 V rms
  4. 8 V rms
MCQ 220:

Elements which acts as a transmission gates allowing bidirectional current flow between flip flops and bit lines are

  1. coupled inverters
  2. access transistors
  3. latches
  4. BJT transistors

Digital Electronics Exam Prep Tests

Saturating & Non Saturating Logic Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Saturating & Non Saturating Logic App (Android & iOS)

Saturating & Non Saturating Logic App (Android & iOS)

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