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Electronic Devices Practice Test 49

Current Regulator Diodes Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 49

The e-Book Current Regulator Diodes Quiz Questions, current regulator diodes quiz answers PDF download, chapter 9-49 to study free electronic devices online courses. Practice Special Purpose Diodes MCQ with answers PDF, Current Regulator Diodes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Current Regulator Diodes Quiz App Download: Free learning app for testing a diode, common gate amplifier, zener diode: basic operation and applications, introduction of 555 timer, current regulator diodes test prep to learn free online courses.

The Quiz: Current regulator diodes are also known as; "Current Regulator Diodes" App Download (Free) with answers current constant diodes, voltage constant diodes, power current diodes and pin diodes to study online classes courses. Solve special purpose diodes questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for college admission test.

Current Regulator Diodes Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 49

MCQ 241: Current regulator diodes are also known as

A) voltage constant diodes
B) current constant diodes
C) power current diodes
D) PIN diodes

MCQ 242: In 555 timer, reset is present at pin

A) 1
B) 4
C) 8
D) 2

MCQ 243: When diode reaches reverse breakdown and current is changing at that point then its voltage

A) will increase
B) will decrease
C) remains constant
D) become infinite

MCQ 244: Common gate amplifier has

A) low input impedance
B) high input impedance
C) infinite input impedance
D) no input

MCQ 245: A properly functioning diode in forward biased will produce a reading of

A) 0.5-0.9 V
B) 0.5-9 V
C) 0.5-5 V
D) 0.2-0.7 V

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

Current Regulator Diodes Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Current Regulator Diodes App (Android & iOS)

Current Regulator Diodes App (Android & iOS)

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