Digital Electronics Practice Tests
Digital Electronics Online Tests
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The MCQ: A derating factor of 2 mW/°C indicates that for each degree increase in temperature reduce maximum power for each degree up to; "Derating PD Maximum" App Download (Free) with answers: 2 mW/°C; 4 mW/°C; 8 mW/°C; 6 mW/°C; to study e-learning courses. Practice Derating PD Maximum Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online engineering colleges.
For higher temperature, PD is
A derating factor of 2 mW/°C indicates that for each degree increase in temperature reduce maximum power for each degree up to
A certain transistor has PD(max) of 1W at 20°C with derating factor of 5 mW/°C than PD (max) at 60°C will be
PD(max) usually specified at
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