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Electromagnetic Theory Certification Exam Tests

Electromagnetic Theory Practice Test 21

Lorentz Force Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 21

Free Lorentz Force Quiz Questions, lorentz force quiz answers PDF download chapter 4-21 to study online electromagnetic theory degree courses. Practice Time Varying and Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields MCQ with answers PDF, Lorentz Force Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: Lorentz Force Quiz App Download & e-Book for introduction to electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic spectrum, metamaterials planes, boundary conditions, lorentz force test prep for online high school college acceptance.

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Lorentz Force Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 21

MCQ 101: Lorentz electric force has direction

A) similar to electric field
B) opposite of electric field
C) scalar quantity
D) None

MCQ 102: ∂y/∂n =f is representation of

A) Neumann boundary condition
B) Dirichlet boundary condition
C) Cauchy boundary condition
D) Robin boundary condition

MCQ 103: In harmonic plane general equation, A(x,t)=Aocos(kx-wt+φ), φ represents

A) magnitude of wave disturbance
B) amplitude
C) phase shift
D) angular frequency

MCQ 104: The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum covers the range from

A) 300?Hz to 400 GHz
B) 30?GHz to 400 THz
C) 300?Hz to 400 THz
D) 300?GHz to 400 THz

MCQ 105: The study of magnetic domains is called

A) Nonmagnetic
B) Hydro magnetic
C) Electromagnetics
D) Micro magnetic

Electromagnetic Theory Exam Prep Tests

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Lorentz Force App (Android & iOS)

Lorentz Force App (Android & iOS)

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