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Hashing using MD5 Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 49

The Hashing using MD5 Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Hashing using MD5 Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-49 to prepare PHP Practice Tests. Solve Examining Regular Expression MCQ with answers PDF, Hashing using MD5 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for master's degree in computer science. The Hashing using MD5 Quiz App Download: Free learning app for php: regular expressions, sorting, strings in php, assignment and coercion, hashing using md5 test prep for BSc computer science.

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Hashing using MD5 Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 49

MCQ 241:

MD5 algorithm is used to produce a

  1. Digest of a string
  2. Signature of a string
  3. Name of string
  4. Both A and B
MCQ 242:

Which function is used to convert a float type into integers?

  1. ceil ( )
  2. floor ( )
  3. round ( )
  4. All of them
MCQ 243:

Which statement is correct for specifying a string in code?

  1. $my_string = ' A literal string';
  2. $my_string = ' A literal string";
  3. #my_string = ' A literal string';
  4. Both A and B
MCQ 244:

Arsort ( ) function same as asort ( ) but

  1. It sorts values in descending order
  2. It sorts values in ascending order
  3. It start sorting values from middle
  4. None of them
MCQ 245:

The regex defines a

  1. Style
  2. Function
  3. Regular expression
  4. Class

PHP Exam Prep Tests

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Hashing using MD5 App (Android & iOS)

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