Computer Science Degree Courses

Digital Logic Design Certification Exam Tests

Digital Logic Design Practice Test 132

Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 132

The Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design MCQ with Answers PDF (Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-132 to prepare Digital Logic Design Practice Tests. Study DLD Lab Equipment and Experiments Test PDF, Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer engineering programs. The Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for flip-flops in digital logic design, qualifying symbols, axiomatic definition of boolean algebra, clocked sequential circuits analysis, introduction to digital integrated circuit test prep for computer science online programs.

The MCQ Quiz: Which one of the following gates are used to construct D flip-flop; "Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: OR gates; AND gates; NAND gates; NOR gates; for online computer engineering programs. Practice DLD Lab Equipment and Experiments Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online degrees.

Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 132

MCQ 656:

Which one of the following gates are used to construct D flip-flop?

  1. AND gates
  2. OR gates
  3. NAND gates
  4. NOR gates
MCQ 657:

Read-only memory in qualifying symbols is represented as

  1. RCTR
  2. ROM
  3. ROMM
  4. ROME
MCQ 658:

One that shows distributive law of addition over multiplication

  1. x+(y.z)=(x.y)+(x.z)
  2. x+(y.z)=(x+y).(x+z)
  3. x+(y.z)=(x.y).(x+z)
  4. x.(y+z)=(x+y).(x+z)
MCQ 659:

Latches developed with NOR and NAND gate tend to stay in the latched condition because of which configuration feature?

  1. low input voltages
  2. synchronous operation
  3. gate impedance
  4. cross coupling
MCQ 660:

Any high input of NOR produces output as

  1. low
  2. mid
  3. high
  4. both a and b

Digital Logic Design Exam Prep Tests

Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Flip-flops in Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Digital Logic Design App (iOS & Android)

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