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Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

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The MCQ: Any function whose Fourier transform is zero for frequencies outside the finite interval is called; "Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function" App Download (Free) with answers: High pass function; Low pass function; Band limited function; Band pass function; to learn online training courses. Practice Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) to learn online certificate courses.

Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The band limited function can be recovered from its samples if the acquired samples are at rate twice the highest frequency, this theorem is called

  1. sampling theorem
  2. sampling theorem
  3. sampling theorem
  4. sampling theorem
MCQ 2:

Any function whose Fourier transform is zero for frequencies outside the finite interval is called

  1. high pass function
  2. low pass function
  3. band limited function
  4. band pass function
MCQ 3:

The sampled frequency less than the nyquist rate is called

  1. under sampling
  2. over sampling
  3. critical sampling
  4. nyquist sampling
MCQ 4:

The effect caused by under sampling is called

  1. smoothing
  2. sharpening
  3. summation
  4. aliasing
MCQ 5:

Product of two functions in spatial domain is what, in frequency domain

  1. correlation
  2. convolution
  3. Fourier transform
  4. fast Fourier transform

Digital Image Processing Practice Tests

Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function App (Android & iOS)

Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Function App (Android & iOS)

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