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Database Systems Certification Exam Tests

Database Systems Practice Test 4

JDBC and JAVA Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 4

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JDBC and JAVA MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 4

MCQ 16:

A Java application program does not include declarations for

  1. Data stored in database
  2. Data retrieved of database
  3. Data executed
  4. Data manipulated
MCQ 17:

The designer can review the schema to ensure it meets all the functional requirements, at the stage

  1. Conceptual design
  2. Execution design
  3. Controlling design
  4. Initial Planning
MCQ 18:

The relationship between the weak entity set and the identifying entity set's association is known as

  1. Owner relationship
  2. Existence relationship
  3. Dependency relationship
  4. Identifying relationship
MCQ 19:

Once a transaction has executed commit work, its effects can no longer be undone by

  1. Trace work
  2. Transmit work
  3. Rollback work
  4. Traceback work
MCQ 20:

To refer to a specific instance of a relation in the relational model, the term used is known as

  1. Relation instance
  2. Relation entity
  3. Relation tuple
  4. Relation attribute

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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JDBC and JAVA App (Android & iOS)

JDBC and JAVA App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (iOS & Android)

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