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Notations for Modeling Data MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 162

The Notations for Modeling Data Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Notations for Modeling Data MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-162 to solve Database Systems Practice Tests. Study Database Design and ER Model quiz answers PDF, Notations for Modeling Data Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer classes. The Notations for Modeling Data MCQs App Download: Free educational app for purpose of database systems, advanced aggregation features, view of data, database architecture, notations for modeling data test prep for CS major.

The MCQs: UML diagrams that shows the system components along with their interconnections, is known as; "Notations for Modeling Data" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Use case diagram; Class diagram; Implementation diagram; Activity diagram; for online computer classes. Practice Database Design and ER Model Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for top computer science schools in the world.

Notations for Modeling Data MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 162

MCQ 806:

UML diagrams that shows the system components along with their interconnections, is known as

  1. Class diagram
  2. Use case diagram
  3. Implementation diagram
  4. Activity diagram
MCQ 807:

Application resides at the client machine and invokes database system functionality at the server machine through query statement, is the type known as

  1. One-tier architecture
  2. Two-tier architecture
  3. Three-tier architecture
  4. NO-tier architecture
MCQ 808:

The term that describes the different views of the database is known as

  1. Subschemas
  2. Multischemas
  3. Virtual Schema
  4. Model schema
MCQ 809:

Window queries compute an aggregate function over ranges of

  1. Tuples
  2. Functions
  3. Attributes
  4. Structures
MCQ 810:

When constraints involve several data items from different files, the compounded problem is

  1. Data Integrity
  2. Data Inconsistency
  3. Data atomicity
  4. Data Isolation

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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Notations for Modeling Data App (Android & iOS)

Notations for Modeling Data App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (iOS & Android)

Human Diversity App (Android & iOS)

Human Diversity App (Android & iOS)

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