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Computer Networks Practice Test 169

Frame Relay in VCN Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 169

The Frame Relay in VCN Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Frame Relay in VCN Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 29-169 to prepare Computer Networks Practice Tests. Solve Virtual Circuit Networks Frame Relay and ATM MCQ with answers PDF, Frame Relay in VCN Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer science and engineering. The Frame Relay in VCN Quiz App Download: Free learning app for frame relay in vcn, osi model layers, class ip addressing, twisted pair cable, satellite networks test prep for top computer science schools.

The Quiz: Frame relay is designed to overcome the drawbacks of the T-1 to T-3 line and; "Frame Relay in VCN" App Download (Free) with answers: X.25; ADMs; SONET; BLSR; for online computer science and engineering. Learn Virtual Circuit Networks Frame Relay and ATM Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online networking certificate programs.

Frame Relay in VCN Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 169

MCQ 841:

Frame relay is designed to overcome the drawbacks of the T-1 to T-3 line and

  1. ADMs
  2. X.25
  3. SONET
  4. BLSR
MCQ 842:

The layer that is used to deal with the mechanical and electrical specifications are

  1. physical layer
  2. data link layer
  3. network layer
  4. transport layer
MCQ 843:

The address lies in which class

  1. class a
  2. class b
  3. class d
  4. class e
MCQ 844:

The twisted pair cable consists of

  1. none
  2. 1 conductor
  3. 2 conductors
  4. n conductors
MCQ 845:

The global star system has used

  1. 50 satellites
  2. 48 satellites
  3. 46 satellites
  4. 44 satellites

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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Frame Relay in VCN App (Android & iOS)

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