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Computer Networks Practice Test 310

ICMP Protocol MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 310

The ICMP Protocol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (ICMP Protocol MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-310 to solve Computer Networks Practice Tests. Study Network Layer Address Mapping, Error Reporting and Multicasting quiz answers PDF, ICMP Protocol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online training courses. The ICMP Protocol MCQs App Download: Free educational app for icmp protocol, baseband layer, user datagram protocol, switch structure, bluetooth piconet test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQs: A section in error messages that carries information for finding the original packet that had the error, is; "ICMP Protocol" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Data section; Data frame; Message section; Error message segment; to learn online training courses. Practice Network Layer Address Mapping, Error Reporting and Multicasting Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for computer software engineer online degree.

ICMP Protocol MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 310

MCQ 1546:

A section in error messages that carries information for finding the original packet that had the error, is

  1. data frame
  2. data section
  3. message section
  4. error message segment
MCQ 1547:

The maximum size of payload field in the baseband layer is

  1. 2244 bits
  2. 2664 bits
  3. 2774 bits
  4. 2884 bits
MCQ 1548:

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is stored in an IP datagram with a total length of

  1. 65,505 bytes
  2. 65,515 bytes
  3. 65,525 bytes
  4. 65,535 bytes
MCQ 1549:

The port that performs the physical and data link functions of the packet switch is called

  1. input port
  2. output port
  3. routing port
  4. switching fabric
MCQ 1550:

Multiple piconets form a network called a

  1. small area
  2. scatter net
  3. network allocation vector
  4. gadgets

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

ICMP Protocol Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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ICMP Protocol App (Android & iOS)

ICMP Protocol App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (iOS & Android)

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Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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DataBase Management System (MCS) App (iOS & Android)