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Computer Networks Practice Test 309

World Wide Web Architecture Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 309

The World Wide Web Architecture Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (World Wide Web Architecture Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 33-309 to prepare Computer Networks Practice Tests. Solve WWW and HTTP MCQ with answers PDF, World Wide Web Architecture Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online degrees. The World Wide Web Architecture Quiz App Download: Free learning app for world wide web architecture, what is network, data communication and networking, unicast routing protocols, sonet network test prep for online computer engineering programs.

The Quiz: In Uniform Resource Locator (URL), path is the pathname of the file where the information is; "World Wide Web Architecture" App Download (Free) with answers: Located; Stored; To be transferred; Transferred; for online degrees. Learn WWW and HTTP Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science bachelor degrees.

World Wide Web Architecture Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 309

MCQ 1541:

In Uniform Resource Locator (URL), path is the pathname of the file where the information is

  1. stored
  2. located
  3. to be transferred
  4. transferred
MCQ 1542:

Data communication system within a building or campus is

  1. LAN
  2. MAN
  3. WAN
  4. wireless
MCQ 1543:

When a mobile phone is called, the telephone central office sends the number to the

  1. FDMA
  2. MCS
  3. MSs
  4. MSD
MCQ 1544:

Good examples of transit autonomous systems are national and international

  1. ISP
  2. BGP
  3. RIP
  4. NIP
MCQ 1545:

Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) defines Automatic Protection Switching (APS), to create protection against failure in

  1. multipoint network
  2. ring network
  3. mesh networks
  4. linear networks

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

World Wide Web Architecture Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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World Wide Web Architecture App (Android & iOS)

World Wide Web Architecture App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (iOS & Android)

Semantic Web App (Android & iOS)

Semantic Web App (Android & iOS)

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