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Computer Networks Practice Test 300

Multicast Routing Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 300

The Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ with Answers PDF (Multicast Routing Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-300 to prepare Computer Networks Practice Tests. Study Network Layer Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing Test PDF, Multicast Routing Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for associates in computer science. The Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for multicast routing protocols, dns messages, satellite networks, voice over ip, telephone networks test prep for online software engineering degrees.

The MCQ: In broadcast communication, the relationship between the source and the destination is; "Multicast Routing Protocols" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Many to one; One to all; One to many; One to one; for associates in computer science. Practice Network Layer Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for information and communication technology.

Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 300

MCQ 1496:

In broadcast communication, the relationship between the source and the destination is

  1. one to all
  2. many to one
  3. one to many
  4. one to one
MCQ 1497:

How many types of records Domain Name System (DNS) has?

  1. one
  2. three
  3. two
  4. four
MCQ 1498:

Global Positioning System (GPS) is an example of

  1. MEO satellites
  2. GEO satellites
  3. LEO satellites
  4. star satellites
MCQ 1499:

When a caller needs to communicate with the callee, the caller can use the e-mail address instead of the IP address in the

  1. OK Message
  2. bye message
  3. INVITE Message
  4. great message
MCQ 1500:

The maximum data rate of 64 Kbps is of

  1. 800 service
  2. 900 service
  3. digital data service
  4. analog leased line

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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Multicast Routing Protocols App (Android & iOS)

Multicast Routing Protocols App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

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